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Elevating Mine Health and Safety: ECSA-HC’s Workshop in South Africa Concludes Nine-Country Initiative

In a significant advance towards enhancing Mine Health and Safety (MHS) standards across the Southern African region, the East Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC) is hosting a pivotal five-day workshop from January 22nd  to 26th , 2023. This workshop signifies the culmination of a nine-country initiative aimed at adapting and implementing four generic MHS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

The focus of this gathering is to engage key stakeholders in Mine Health and Safety, along with prominent population organizations within the mining sector in South Africa. ECSA-HC, the principal recipient of the Global Fund TB in the Mining Sector Phase 3 Project, has been entrusted with providing technical assistance to nine countries, with South Africa being the final piece in completing this impactful endeavor.

The workshop kicked off with opening remarks from the Director-General of ECSA-HC, Professor Yoswa Dambisya. Prof. Dambisya highlighted the crucial role of the mining sector in regional economic development, juxtaposed with the hazardous working conditions that pose a triple threat of TB, HIV, and silicosis as occupational hazards, impacting the livelihoods of mine workers.

“The mining sector, vital for regional economic development, is marred by hazardous working conditions and a significant burden of tuberculosis. With TB incidence three to eight times higher than in originating populations, unique risk factors like silica dust exposure and poor ventilation demand urgent attention,” remarked Prof. Dambisya.

The workshop’s objectives, rooted in a commitment to elevate Mine Health and Safety (MHS) standards and promote their adoption at the national level, encompass a multifaceted approach. These include evaluating and aligning the generic MHS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with country systems and legal frameworks, crafting robust implementation plans for the four SOPs, establishing performance indicators and a Balanced Scorecard for effective monitoring, educating and training key population organizations on the adapted SOPs, developing advocacy plans for widespread adoption across mining organizations, and formulating strategic communication approaches for the four SOPs within the mining sector.

“Dr. Dingani Moyo, the lead consultant responsible for developing the four generic mine health and safety standard operating procedures, who has been playing an important role in orienting countries and providing technical assistance for the seamless adaptation of these SOPs into their unique national contexts. Prof Moyo emphasized the significance of ensuring occupational safety and underscored the consequences of negligence. He articulated this concern by stating, ‘Mining stands as one of the most hazardous working environments, with less than 15% of the global population having access to occupational health and safety. This poses a serious threat, as every 15 seconds, a worker loses their life, with tuberculosis being the second leading cause of death. This underscores the critical importance of implementing Standard Operating Procedures to ensure workplace safety.'”

This workshop marks a pivotal moment in the collaborative effort to address the health and safety challenges within the mining sector. ECSA-HC’s dedication to empowering key stakeholders and organizations to champion MHS SOPs sets the stage for a safer and healthier future for mine workers across the region.

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