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TB in The Mining Sector Phase III Project

To address high burden of TB in mining, in August 2012, the Heads of state of SADC member states signed a declaration on TB in the mining sector, indicating 5 priority areas in TB, HIV, Silicosis and other occupational respiratory diseases:

Genesis/Background of the TIMS Project

In response to declaration on TB in the mining sector, the Global Fund is supporting SADC Member States to address the high burden of TB in mining Sector and surrounding communities through the implementation of declaration on TB in the mining sector.

TIMS III: July 2021 to June 2024

Focusses on strengthening Coordination of TB Care and Prevention in the mining sector in Southern Africa while promoting sustainability through country grants and other funding mechanisms, that is, other donors, governments, additional Global Fund grants.

  • 15 SADC Member States
  • USD 10.5 million – allocated budget
  • RCM Secretariat: AUDA-NEPAD

TIMS II: 2018-2020

  • 10 SADC Member States
  • 5 million allocated budget
  • RCM Secretariat: AUDA-NEPAD & ECSA-HC
  • PR: WHC

TIMS I: 2016-2018

  • 10 SADC Member States
  • 30 million allocated budget
  • RCM Secretariat: World Bank
  • PR: WHC

Project Goal

The goal of the project is to contribute achievement of the SDG 2030 targets for TB in all Southern Africa countries through reduction of TB burden amongst key population. Key population being ex-mineworkers, mineworkers and their families and peri-mining communities.

Project Objective

To ensure key population in southern Africa have access to quality TB prevention and treatment services and improved working and living environment.


Effective multi-country collaboration amongst key stakeholders in the TB in the mining sector and integration of project interventions in national programmes

Effective involvement of key national level stakeholders including TB program, occupational health, mine health and safety and compensation stakeholders in the development of national programmes to ensure linkages and synergy to counter TB in the mines

Implementation of interventions that are tailored to country contexts cognizant of variations of capacity and scope of interventions from country to country.

Strengthened partnerships between public and private sector, including labour unions and chambers of mines, especially for countries where the public resources may be inadequate to sustain TB in the mines services.

Project Partners

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