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26 July 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
ECSA HC Offices, Arusha, Tanzania, United Republic of

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis ultricies nisl vitae malesuada. Duis sagittis metus vitae quam elementum, vel scelerisque nulla tempus. Curabitur maximus varius nibh vel pulvinar.…

27 September 2022
29 September 2022
16 November 2022
November 16, 2022 - November 17, 2022
Cape Town, South Africa
27 April 2023
All day
Johannesburg, South Africa

In addressing the burden of TB in the region there is a need to widely involve key partners and stakeholders such asjournalists. The media plays an important role when it…

17 May 2023
All day
Zambia, Zambia

SADC secretariat in collaboration with ECSA-HC plans to organize a consultative meeting with key influencers including Members of parliament, Human rights institutions to deliberate on how the region can effectively…

09 May 2023
All day
Johannesburg, South Africa

The SADC Secretariat drafted the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the proposed coordination structure to be called SADC End TB Committee (SETC). The TOR was presented to the SADC to…

03 May 2023
May 3, 2023 - May 4, 2023
Malawi, Sigelege Beach Resort
Salima, Malawi

Purpose of the Workshop To review the prioritized interventions in the national TB strategic plan and identify areas that can enhance the implementation of specific TB in the mining sector…

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